Tim Barry Runs His Mouth

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Climate Change “Science”

Virtually all of what you hear out of academics are religion-like platitudes about Climate Change.  Few (if any) climate scientists will stand up and allow for actual debate about their work because they've insulated themselves with an army of like-minded academics.  It is my experience that they keep saying the same thing over and over again until they believe it is true.  When everyone else around them does the same, the declare 'victory' and that they have 'consensus,' therefore in their minds, "the debate is over."  

But we know that isn't true.  True scientists know that the scientific method requires that they question EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME.  Sadly, today we see that unless a competing thought or idea conforms to what the academics believe, the competing idea is stomped, shunned, or summarily dismissed.  Our scientists (and our doctors) fear being isolated from their community, therefore they either self-sensor OR they join their peer group to remain part of the tribe.  

We saw this with COVID-19.  There were some very vocal medical doctors (some of the most published and credible in the field of virology in the world), but the governing body and the medical establishment shut them down without considering their research findings.  Millions of people died needlessly because the CDC and Big Pharma squashed their evidence and extended the 'pandemic' by years.

The same thing has happened with Climate Change.  To be clear, climate is different from weather.  While weather happens day to day or even week to week, climate is measured over at least one decade, but more frequently through the lens of multiple decades and centuries.  

We've all seen news headlines about how the world is burning up and we've heard our dumbest politicians (AOC) say that we've only got 12 years to save the planet or else... but I’ve got news for you - none of it is true.  

What the media wants is clicks on their internet stories and there are few things that get people scared more than the idea of the earth exploding because humans caused it.  I am working on a series of posts to discuss this topic because there are incredible amounts of information available, and I've been reading and researching like a maniac to comprehensively consume it and start asking questions.  

Below is a conversation I had with an academic from Australia who made a comment about a hysterical Huffington Post article claiming we are all going to die unless we create new giant government to stop climate change.  Because there is no easy way to post screen shots in a Word document, just click on the right arrow to advance through the conversation.

Let me know what you think.  Enjoy.

And here is how it went:

FOR THE RECORD: Miss Academic ended up deleting the entire conversation as to not be embarrassed by a mere peasant publicly in front of her peers. It’s exactly why I screen shot each part of the conversation to memorialize it and use this as a learning moment for those of us who must fight against the lunatic, hysterical Left.