Europe: The Canary in the American Coal Mine
I grew up reading lots of history books. My grandfather was a Captain in the US Air Force during WWII and blew a B17 over Germany. Learning about the early days of how America became a global economic, cultural, and military superpower is fascinating. In the Pennsylvania coal mines that produced the ore that heated homes across America, workers worked in very dangerous conditions which included (among other things): walls caving in, suffocation and even gas explosions.
One of the ingenious tools these brave miners used was to bring a small canary locked in a cage. The story was that miners were in danger of being asphyxiated by carbon monoxide and other poisonous gasses in the mine, so they brought a canary with them who would sing when healthy....and obviously would fall over dead if asphyxiated by an unseen gas. This was done until 1986 in coal mines across the world, when reliable technology finally caught up with the effectiveness of a tiny bird.
If dead, the miners would know deadly gas is present and allowed for evacuation to safety for the humans. As I grew up the saying "the canary in the coal mine" referred to a pre-cursor event that signaled a greater, far more dangerous one to come.
Several days ago, as the Jeffrey Epstein trial began in New York and unseemly details about Bill Clinton hosting the convicted pedophile in the White House at least 17 times came out as well. But what also hit the newsstands at the same time? The CDC announced yet another 'COVID variant.'
Let's separate the unbelievable notion that a convicted child rapist was invited by then President Bill Clinton into the White House 17 times from the breaking news: the "Omicron Variant" and all the related doomsday hysteria in the media. The stock markets were in full retreat on the news only to mostly rebound.
I called BS on the Omicron Variant as yet another media manufactured distraction so the mushy brained masses wouldn't focus on the REAL stories happening globally.
So let me shine light on the Gestapo tactics that are going on in both Europe and Australia over COVID 19.
Austria has now imposed lockdowns on 2 MIILLION unvaccinated residents restricting them to only leaving home to buy food or work. There are now roaming bands of police searching for unvaccinated Austrians who will be fined from approximately $500 up to $3500 dollars for violating the internment mandate.
Latvia not only reimposed the draconian lockdowns on the unvaccinated, but they also banned unvaccinated lawmakers from voting on laws or debating until mid-2022. I am NOT kidding!
Singapore has announced that the unvaccinated will have to pay their own medical bills starting in December 2021.
Germany has now begun instituting lockdowns of the unvaccinated, restricting them from restaurants, movie theaters, etc.
Australia has gone completely insane. In Melbourne, you’re permitted to leave your home for no longer than two hours a day for exercise and once more to go to the shops. A curfew is in place between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Travel farther than three miles from your home is prohibited. Fines for breaching these and sundry subsidiary restrictions range from $1,300 to $15,000 (U.S. dollars).
And so here is my thought: most of Europe has fallen to socialism. England is a socialist state. Germany is a socialist state. France is actually a communist one. But everywhere you look, entitlements for the welfare state are not only alive in Europe, they THRIVE there. Make no bones about it, all of Europe is being invaded by 'refugees' from all over because it is quite profitable to leave a poor nation and 'seek asylum' in one that has a massive welfare state.
Political corruption is rampant and each of these nations has a political 'elite.' They are the power brokers who lock arms with lobbyists who line their pockets with unimaginable wealth and privilege. They are now oligarchs beyond reproach, who require all to 'kiss the ring' of power as they bow down to it.
This was made possible by the United States of America. The US taxpayer has been the military protection for all of Europe since 1945, which in turn has allowed the Europeans to spend the trillions of dollars we freed up for them on social programs.
With an annual military budget of about $700,000,000,000, the United States has ALSO funded the United Nations, NATO and provided cash aid to each of these 'allies' since the end of World War II. Make no bones about it, Folks, the fascism that we see occurring in the name of 'safety' and 'public health' in Europe is just the precursor the United States of America is headed towards.
Of course, the democrats and their media lapdogs will drown out any stories of civilian protests. Big Tech will censor and limit what we can see because they know if they distract us enough, we will become numb to it all and quit researching, asking questions, and challenging them. Leftists can never stand in the light and debate another based on fact. They require hysterical emotions that override any cognitive, logical reasoning. They use peer pressure, cancel culture and bullying tactics to curb stomp anyone that dares challenge them with actual, provable data and facts.
Meanwhile in New York, in a closed courtroom where the media has been banned from the proceeding. Led by an Obama-appointed judge and prosecuted by the daughter of the corrupt, former FBI Director, James Comey, we are fed one morsel of seedy information at a time by the lapdog media. The CDC issues a dire, market-impacting press release about yet another 'variant' that is going to 'be around for 6-18 months.'
Nothing to see here, Folks…
The adage (and historically unprovable one) is that "Nero fiddled while Rome burns." The meaning was both that Nero was a horrible leader who cared little about his people, but also about his abject ineffectiveness to deal with 70% of the city being destroyed by the fire.
American 2021 and beyond: consider yourself warned. Our political establishment, our public education system, our media, and the democrat party are aligned with leveraging COVID 19 for the biggest power grab in world history bar none. It is time to take action to stop the insanity. We MUST become active in our local communities, school boards, town councils, county government, state, and even federal government.
We must mobilize and go on the offensive now, lest we relinquish this great nation to the insane forever. We are witnessing the American Canary in The Coal Mine.