The Great Deception
The latest and greatest Biden Blunder: 13 US military heroes and about 170 other people died via a suicide bomber at Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan.
The White House is incompetent – and are you really surprised?
I was screaming from the mountaintops in ALL of 2020 that Biden has accomplished virtually nothing in the 47 years he was a member of Congress or as acting VPOTUS (under Obama). I asserted that Biden did actually accomplish two things:
He led the charge in passing the 1994 Crime Bill that helped send tens of thousands of young black men to prison.
He, his family and his friends got wealthy beyond belief.
But in 2020, the media, the neocons and the democrat party had a pandemic to bolster as a distraction from their 78 year old, early stage dementia candidate who barely survived a short interview with a democrat friendly media.
Biden chose Kamala Harris as his VP in the most brazen and overt example of racism in US presidential political history. He literally stated that he wanted a black female as a running mate and no one else should apply. Oddly, he chose Harris, who is so disliked even within her own party that in her campaign, she couldn’t earn a single delegate.
Biden ran on the mantra “Build Back Better” and that he would use his vast experience to reinstate America on the global leadership stage. His supporters opined about how Biden would bring ‘dignity’ and ‘civility’ to the White House as the ‘Great Unifier’ after a tumultuous Trump Presidency.
Democrats and their media lapdogs encouraged and promoted race riots for 7 months in 2020 and barraged the American voter with fear about a virus with a 99.8% survivability rate. They were even able to change state voting laws under the guise that Americans were too scared to go to the polls and therefore, mass mail in voting should be allowed.
And somehow, in spite of Biden hiding in his basement and operating the most uninspiring presidential campaign in US history, Biden managed to collect 80,000,000 (the most in US history) votes. The man who spent 47 years accomplishing nothing inspired more voters than ever before to show up on election day. Of course, we all know that the election wasn’t decided on Election Day. Predictably, in key democrat controlled counties (Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Phoenix), we all went to bed with Trump firmly in the lead (for example by 200,000 votes in Michigan, 150,000 votes in Wisconsin and by 650,000 votes in Philadelphia). Yet, we woke up to and discover that Biden had miraculously flipped all those counties.
The rest is history.
On January 6th after hearing from Trump, Guliani, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell for 60 days that they were going to ‘release the Kracken’ and show the world proof-positive that democrats stole the election, both GOP Senators in Georgia were defeated by democrat radical candidates. I place the blame for the GOP losing the Senate squarely on Donald J. Trump. His non-stop focus on himself and questioning the integrity of the election process kept tens of thousands of Georgia GOP voters at home and resulted in democrat control of the Senate.
After four consecutive years of constant distractions manufactured by the media about the Trump campaign - from the Russia Hoax, to the Ukraine phone call, to COVID 19 - with the democrat party creating every possible obstacle to derail the Trump presidency, suddenly anyone questioning the results of the 2020 election became a terrorist.
About 500 people walked into the Capital Building in what democrats and the media have now labelled ‘an insurrection’ and a ‘coup attempt.’ Not one weapon was confiscated in the Capitol Building that day. None. Believe me, with roughly 600,000 pissed off Americans at a rally in Washington DC, if they decided to take over the Capitol Building for real, no amount of Capitol Police would have been able to stop them.
Yet the National Guard was called in and over 25,000 fully armed soldiers erected fences and barriers (HAHAHA! Apparently, a border around the Capitol Building is effective in keeping the building free of people who don’t belong there, huh?) to keep people out. 5,000-7,000 fully armed National Guard personnel were there through March 2020.
As the Biden presidency began, so did the Great Distractions. Immediately, Biden rescinded the Keystone Pipeline, throwing 60,000 skilled union employees out of work. The media ran puff pieces on how the democrat agenda would convert those jobs into ‘green energy’ jobs. No such thing has happened.
Another Biden first priority was to rescind all immigration safeguards that Trump installed on our porous southern border. The Biden Administration has now engaged with Catholic charities and is harvesting illegal aliens into our country, then importing them in Diaspora fashion all around the nation. Through July 2021, the Department of Homeland Security has admitted that an estimated 1,000,000 illegal aliens have entered the United States….in 7 months!
Under the cover of COVID 19 relief, the newly democrat controlled House and Senate rammed through two multi-trillion dollar ‘taxpayer rescue’ packages. Consider that there are about 220,000,000 adult US citizens in America over the age of 18, you’d figure that a $1.8 trillion Cares Act would provide each citizen with $8,181 of their own money handed back to them, right? Well, you’d be wrong. Qualifying Americans got about $1,800. The rest went to garbage pork projects that the democrats will use to launder the money back to themselves.
While Biden ran on his strong Foreign Policy track record (he actually accomplished nothing in his 47 years other than getting rich from his positional power), we almost immediately saw China messing with Taiwan and Russia on the move in Ukraine. ISIS began making their move in Afghanistan and in Syria. Iran began to rattle their saber again. These terrorist nations all know that Biden and the democrat party are weak and lack the fortitude to stand against their aggression. Democrats will always talk big about ‘diplomacy,’ but that ALWAYS results in America Last.
Of course, Orange Man Bad created a safer world. Negotiating peace between the Arabs and Israel. When Trump took office, only Jordan and Egypt has treaties with Israel. By December 2020, SIX nations had established diplomatic relations with the Jewish State.
But democrats and Joe Biden, the ‘distinguished foreign policy maker’ needed a photo op for the 20 Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America. Biden, the man with such international strategic ability, decided that he was going to pull all the way out of Afghanistan with NO cohesive plan to do it safely and in an orderly manner.
Over 80% of Americans agreed that pulling out of Afghanistan was appropriate and Trump is the one who initiated the idea.
It started just a few weeks ago when Biden announced that there was a ‘drop dead date’ to leave the nation. He and his team asserted that America has spent 20 years and $88 billion training over 300,000 Afghani military personnel to defend the new democracy against the Taliban.
“Circle Back” Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary said that we would have an orderly transition out of the region.
It took 11 days for the Taliban to take over all of Afghanistan. Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State has admitted that the United States government is now taking orders from the Taliban as to how we are evacuating US citizens and key Afghan allies out of Karzai International Airport. The US military somehow managed to leave behind key, operational sensitive military equipment including Blackhawk helicopters, 200,000 M-4 machine guns, 20,000 Humvees countless high tech night vision goggles, millions of rounds of ammunition and state of the art communications equipment. An estimated $20,000,000 of US military equipment is now in the hands of the Taliban.
Make no bones about it, this was all done on purpose.
Under Trump, the Taliban was cowering and hiding in caves and out of sight. The Taliban was also hiding in Pakistan. Under the threat of becoming the next Iranian General Solemani (whom Trump droned), the Taliban just waited for the time when Biden would take over. They’ve been on the move and taking over parts of Afghanistan since The Potato took office.
But here is another concern: the United States taxpayer has given about $2 billion per year to Pakistan for ‘economic and security.’ And who do you think funds the Taliban? Yup - Pakistan!
So exactly WHY are we giving US taxpayer dollars to a nation that supports the Taliban? Your guess is as good as mine. But now, China and Russia and Iran all get to travel to Afghanistan and go shopping for all the fully functional high tech US military weaponry. No doubt those terrorist nations will purchase that equipment and send it to their military leaders. With actual functioning equipment, no doubt our enemies will develop countermeasures against our equipment moving forward.
Biden managed to leave an estimated 10,000-15,000 American citizens trapped in Afghanistan not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Afghans who helped the US military over the past 20 years. Currently, the remnant of US military personnel that remain are operating at the single runway Karai International Airport in Kabul, which is surrounded by a variety of terrible security risks. The US military leaders (and the Biden Administration) somehow managed to overlook the fact that the Bagram Airport, a mere 40 miles away from Kabul, is in the middle of nowhere and easy to defend.
Alas, none of that was apparently considered by the best and brightest US military leaders. On the morning of the suicide bombing that claimed the lives of at least 13 US military personnel, critically injuring 20 more and killing about 160 civilians, the US military ‘gods’ were teaching ‘woke’ diversity, inclusion and equity lessons to their subordinates.
Biden conducted the biggest military and foreign policy blunder in US history.
If the United States government wanted to, we could stop illegal immigration dead in its tracks immediately.
If the United States government wanted to, we could stop the funding of terrorist nations immediately.
If the United States government wanted to, we could stop the teaching of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project in our schools immediately.
But the United States government doesn’t want to do any of those things at all.
The Great Deception is that the democrat party and their media lapdogs will continue to manufacture stories to destabilize the ignorant American voter. They control the education system, the culture and the media. We are on the road to socialism and Donald J Trump was the last stand against it. The REAL “insurrection” and “coup de etat” is that democrats manipulated the 2020 election to remove their biggest ideological threat: conservatism via Trump.