War on Men

The War Against Men

Male/female relations in the United States are clearly a train wreck on so many different levels.  As you read this, please understand that my mind is fluid and open to continued learning about this topic.  I approach the topic of male/female relations from three different viewpoints:  

  • Biblical

  • Historical

  • Current

I am attempting to sort these viewpoints and the thoughts out on paper and this is the original, unedited draft.  

Upon viewing the state of the United States, I believe we are on a crash course with disaster.  In spite of strong stock market performance and a robust economy, signs of disintegration are visible everywhere.  There is an assault on our sovereign national borders by illegal aliens.  The democrat party has officially gone ALL IN on advancing a full blown Marxist socialist agenda.  The church has fractured itself into hundreds of factions, most diluting the Word of God to fit their new ‘woke’ messaging.  We are retreating as a global super power and empowering and even financing our enemies who are committed to the destruction of both the United States, but also Israel.  American women are murdering the unborn and are wearing t-shirts bragging about it.  Young people are delaying and even avoiding getting married in record numbers.  Young girls are declaring they are ‘transgender’ in record numbers.  Suicides are up, prescriptions for anti-depressants are up and it is ‘all the rage’ to have your therapist on speed dial.  

Marxists have waged a 50 year War Against Men...and they are winning.  The impact to the nation is that we are failing as a country.  We are asking our men to be women and our women to be men.  It has created a fractured, confused and medicated population to date and I’m not sure what to do about it.  

The idea that we are made in God’s image comes directly from the Bible.  The very first book of the Bible, Genesis 27-31 says: 27 So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 28 Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” 29 Then God said, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. 30 And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life.” And that is what happened. 31 Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day.

Before you disregard this post as me pontificating from the pulpit, I assure you that this is not a sermon.  I am far from a preacher.  I’m a sinner and I confess those sins to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  

But this isn’t a lesson on the Old Testament.  This is merely the Biblical perspective that I was talking about.  

We were made in God’s image...both male and female.  We share DNA with the Creator of the Earth.  Say what you will, but I think that is amazing.  

Here is the Genesis 2, verse 20 through 25 account of the creation of man and woman:  “20 He gave names to all the livestock, all the birds of the sky, and all the wild animals. But still there was no helper just right for him. 21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the LORD God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man. 23 “At last!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from ‘man.’” 24 This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. 25 Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame.”

It actually sounds both terrifying and wonderful at the same time!  God puts man to sleep, takes one of his ribs and manufactures a woman!  That is just bananas to me.  I can’t imagine how much Adam must have loved Eve knowing she was made by God in part FROM him!  

But things go wrong and I’ll fast forward to The Fall, when Satan (in the form of a snake) encouraged Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge which God had explicitly forbidden them to do.  Mind you this, when the serpent was tempting Eve, Adam was standing RIGHT NEXT TO HER!  So don’t go getting any funny ideas that women brought sin into the world!  The dopey guy was standing right next to her while she did it and he jumped right in and did it too!  I could say that he was probably distracted by her boobs, but still….he was literally standing right next to her when this all went down! D’oh!  

So the Original Sin was committed.  The serpent was punished, but so were both Adam and Eve.  Here is the sentence detailed in Genesis 3, verses 14 through 19:  

14 Then the LORD God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all animals, domestic and wild. You will crawl on your belly, groveling in the dust as long as you live. 15 And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” 16 Then he said to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you. ” 


As I re-read this last testament, it saddens me that the punishment begins in verse 16:  “Then he said to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth.  And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.”  Ugh!  Shots fired!  

To Adam, he was condemned in the following manner:  17 And to the man he said, “Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. 18 It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. 19 By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.” 

And there we are…..the birth of conflict between man and woman was born.  

But in ancient times, men were typically the hunters.  Genetically bigger and stronger than women, men dominated life for millennia.  When I look at history, women were mostly treated as second or third class human beings, even being classified as property of their husbands.  

This isn’t to say that men were adhering to the rules of engagement that God set up as the standard for male/female relations.  I’ll assert that it was quite the opposite!  God’s design for how a man and his wife were to interact was widely ignored.  Women were subjugated and oppressed.  

But something also happened as Christianity spread throughout the ancient world.  While the 12 Apostles were challenged to preach the Good News of the Gospel to the ends of the earth, women began to ‘domesticate’ men.  Prior to Christ, we know that the world was literally a free-for-all.  If you had enough swords, armor and built a strong enough castle, you could impose your will through violence, murder and extortion.  The booty was money, power and women, whom were treated viciously.  

But as the message of Salvation spread across the world, something interesting happened.  The early Catholic Church preached about the sanctity of marriage and the importance of building and protecting the family from harm.  Anthropologists have determined that the rates of death by murder, war or other violence dramatically dropped to historical lows!  In other words, men didn’t have as much time, nor energy to wage war and rape, pillage and burn because they were investing in building a family for themselves.  

In Steven Pinker’s 700+ page book titled, “The Better Angels of Our Nature,” he tirelessly demonstrates the historical ‘death by violence’ rates dropped exponentially from the Age of the Neanderthal to the 1500s.  In spite of huge wars in the 17th and 18th centuries, it became even less likely to die by violence.  As the global population grew, even in the tumultuous 20th Century which saw two World Wars and the birth of socialism/communism claim over 150,000,000 human lives, it was never safer to be alive and not die from violence IN HUMAN HISTORY.  

In 2021, we look around and are horrified by the fact that the democrat ‘utopia’ of Chicago sees over 500 murders per year, mostly in the inner city.  But do the math.  The 2020 US census declares that there are 2,679,080 people in Chicago.  Let’s guess that there are 500 murders there.  Simple math says that there is a 0.0001866312 chance that you are going to be murdered in Chicago in 2021.  Seriously.  That equals a 1 in 5358 chance of being killed.  

Don’t get me wrong, it is a terrible thing to be murdered, but the ACTUAL chance of it happening are at world historic lows.

Now, there are a lot of reasons for that, but I will assert that chief among them is that women domesticated men.  Men settled down and stopped putting their lives and their children’s lives at risk by jumping into every war one of their buddies signed up for.  It’s almost like men tired themselves out and decided that dying by the sword wasn’t really worth it.  

Of course, there was the Industrial Revolution and all kinds of new inventions that brought economic prosperity to the regular folk.  These times also saw the birth of mechanized death where one nation could kill tens of thousands of their enemy in a single week, but still the overall death toll dropped.  

Most of these times, women were still subject to less than chivalrous men.  Women didn’t have the ability to have property rights, vote or participate in government in any way until very recently.  Women were only granted property rights equal to men in America on January 1, 1968…that is only 18 months before I was born!  Holy smokes!  

My point is that there was real inequality from a legal standpoint between women and men for most of human history.  

But we changed that. 

In the United States, the Women’s Suffrage Movement really began in the 1830s as women began to organize and fight against slavery.  The first national attempt to organize women happened in 1848 and was led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton.  While their initial targets were to defeat slavery, after the Civil War, they began to consolidate and focus on gaining the same Constitutional protections and status as the newly freed slaves.  It took until August 20, 1920 for women to actually gain the right to vote.  

Still, women struggled to compete in a nation dominated by men.  Being relegated to being nurses, servants, milliners, dress makers, seamstresses, clerks, secretaries, textile operators and farmers (see “Statistics of Women at Work” in the Census Bureau for 1900”), women that did actually work outside the home did so in the lowest paying jobs.  

I have little doubt that even when they did, they were treated harshly in the male dominated workplace and subject to untold sexual threats, discrimination and harassment.  It was a different world then.  I am, in no way, condoning or advocating for that atmosphere to return.  

But there is a more sinister challenge that we face today.  We know it as ‘The Feminist Movement.”  

In the 1960’s, the women’s movement had come to a boiling point.  Women were now high school educated and many had even finished college.  These trail blazers abandoned the traditional ‘female’ career choices as described above in the 1900 census and went into the male dominated professions.  The smartest and most competent women competed to became university professors, accountants, doctors, attorneys and engineers.  They thrived and have been responsible for much of the rise of America as a world, economic superpower.  But when the smartest women abandoned the teaching roles they would have previously would have sought and went to compete at the highest levels…and they succeeded.  They also left their less intelligent, less ambitious, less motivated counterparts behind to dominate the teaching profession.     

But in the Law of Unintended Consequences, there is always a lagging indicator to any leading one.  The problem was that when all the ‘smart, ambitious’ women left the education system, that also left the least intelligent and most gullible ones to step in those educational shoes.  This is not to say that all teachers are stupid, gullible or less ambitious.  I’ve benefitted greatly from a select few teachers who had an earth-shatteringly positive impact on my life.  But what I am saying is that the ‘Brain Drain’ on the teaching profession has had a material negative impact on the education system and our children.  

And here is where the Feminist Movement stepped in. 

From the late 1960’s to the 1980’s, the Feminist Movement focused on clearing out the ‘boys club’ that operated in corporate America.  Women deserved to be judged and promoted based on their productivity and value in the workplace.  That is undeniable.  Until then, men would degrade women in the workplace and treat them as subservient.  There were associations and clubs where women could not participate and the Feminists worked diligently to break down those barriers to achieve equal opportunity with men.  

Women have had an amazing journey towards parity with men in the workplace over the from 1960 through about 2000.  But something fundamentally changed in the Feminist Movement from about 2000 to now:  the Feminist Movement is no longer about gaining equal opportunity.  The modern Feminist Movement is now about hating men.  Their agenda has increasingly turned radically to the Left.  Now fully unionized, the Teacher’s Union wields tremendous political power.  Of course, that political power and related financial support goes overwhelmingly two the Democrat Party.

Let’s look at the past 21 years in the context of male/female relations.  Note: women still dominate the teaching positions in every facet of our education system.  That hasn’t changed one bit.  But look at the agenda they’ve built.  The education system has been weaponized by the women that run it.  Because the weakest and least intelligent women, who couldn’t or wouldn’t strike out to become doctors, lawyers, engineers or accountants, ended up settling as teachers in the public education system, we now have two generations of young men who have grown up being emasculated for being male and young women who are completely lost about their role in the world.  

We have seen the education system re-writing history textbooks to reflect a much more radical narrative of America as a horribly oppressive and systemically racist nation.  That is not to say that our nation did not formerly have those problems.  However, as opposed to telling the truth openly, Marxists have chosen a path of convicting the nation as systemically racist from it’s founding and yet failing to acknowledge the incredible journey to evolve and correct to where we are today.  The Critical Race Theory advocates and teaches ACTUAL racism to our children, this time focused on punishing white people as oppressors and aggressors, even today.  

For the past 21 years, we have allowed the dumbest and weakest to manipulate and indoctrinate our children into total confusion.  Our young women are a complete mess.  Suicide rates are through the roof, prescriptions for anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs for young women have gone through the roof and a record percentage of them are confused and identifying as transgender or gender neutral.  

The young men are just as lost.  Having been emasculated and labelled at ‘toxic’ since birth, young men have wholesale retreated into the fantasy world of video games, pornography and immature self-deprecating behaviors.  There is actually a trend where young women are marrying substantially older men who are more mature and stable as opposed to wrestling with the immature men their own age.  Women are staying single/avoiding marriage and delaying/avoiding child birth in record numbers.  

Meanwhile, the democrat party continues to keep our southern border wide open to illegal aliens, knowing that poor, uneducated illegal aliens are the DNC’s ticket to future votes.  

You’ve read my previous post about how Marxism is a deadly infection to our nation, but the attack point for the Democrat Party has been the War on Men.  They used the Sexual Revolution in the 1960s as the ‘liberation’ of women.  Of course, men were all about that because it ushered in the era of cheap sex, no commitment or responsibility and reckless abandon.  The Feminist Movement took it further with a message that men weren’t required for a women to live a fulfilling, happy life.

The very liberal thinktank, The Brookings Institute, published that there are three ways an American can stay out of poverty: 

  • finish high school 

  • don’t have babies until you are married 

  • have a job  

Those are all you have to do to statistically stay out of poverty in the United States.  However, thanks to the Feminist Movement, approximately 70% of black babies, 52% of Hispanic babies and 28% of white babies are born to single mothers.  Almost 41% of all babies are born to single mothers.  By comparison, only 10% of Asian babies are born to single mothers…also interesting is that Asian Americans are the most economically affluent racial group in the country.  

Prior to the “War on Poverty” in the mid-1960s, out of wedlock births accounted for only 6% of all births.  After democrats (led by the racist President Lyndon B. Johnson) launched their War on Poverty, the feminists helped lead the charge in the destruction of the nuclear family.  Women were encouraged by the government to divorce their fathers and the government incentivized women to do that by paying them money.  Today, the out of wedlock percentage of births stands at 41%.  How about them apples for a ‘War on Poverty’?  With democrats, they constantly give themselves credit for their intentions, but never hold themselves accountable for the results of their actions.  

Where there is mass poverty, there is also low property values and therefore, low tax receipts by the local governments which fund the school districts.  

Low tax revenue for the local government means low salaries for the teachers in the school districts.  Low salaries for the teachers encourage all potential teachers (male or female) with ambition in their lives to forgo the teaching profession in pursuit of higher paying jobs.  And that leaves the children in those school districts to the vices of lower quality teachers who are willing to accept a low paying job, but with a strong union to fight for them and provide them with substantial benefits and pensions.  

Democrats (who are now overt Marxsts) have effectively highjacked the school system and are now mass-indoctrinating our children into the full Marxist ideology.  Look no further than the current population of university student who, when polled about socialism, has over 50% support for the socialist ideology.  

Today, the Feminist Movement continues to advance the narrative that there is a pay gap based on gender.  They claim that women make 78 cents on the dollar when compared to men.  But when you look underneath the surface and begin to consider the facts, the gender pay gap has been thoroughly debunked.  Upon analysis, when women work in the same job as men, they actually make as much or MORE than men.  And men tend to occupy jobs that women do not/will not go into.  Men tend to take jobs that involve more physical activity, more risk, more danger and are, therefore, higher paying.  So when you add up the TOTAL earnings for men versus the TOTAL earnings for women, there may indeed be a gap.  But when you look into the career/job choices, then figure in the percentage of men v. women in those higher paying jobs, the explanation for the difference in TOTAL pay is understandable.  It’s important to do your homework before making such statements – unfortunately it is not Women’s Movement will ever tell you. 

Today, a strong majority of college educated women under the age of 40 identify themselves as ‘oppressed’ as if they were part of the enslaved black community prior to 1865.  And these women overwhelmingly vote for Marxism as avid supporters of the Democrat Party.  In the 2020 Election, 57% of women voted for Job Biden, who chose Kamala Harris as his Vice President solely on the basis of her skin color and gender.  91% of black women vote democrat.  80% of black men vote democrat.  67% of Hispanics vote democrat.  The very people who are most marginalized by oppressive, backward government policies vote for their oppressors.  

Because of all those facts, I believe that we are a nation that is doomed.  

We replaced God’s vision for what a relationship between a man and a woman and allowed Marxists to redefine what it actually means to BE a man or a woman.  As Marxists assaulted God, banished Him from schools and government, then ultimately from all areas of American life, we lost our identity as children of God.  From there, Marxists began a campaign to make every sin and abomination permissible.  The War on Men was waged as the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s resulted in a radicalization of the education system.  Marriage rates plummeted leaving women to teach their boys how to be men, then surrendering those boys to a teacher who further emasculated them in the classroom.  The War on Poverty financially incentivized women to ‘marry the government’ in return for money and benefits which destroyed the nuclear family.  Without a father in the house, our boys have been led to slaughter by radicalized women.  

None of this is God’s plan.  And that is why we have the results we see today. 

God is dead.  Gender is a choice.  Your ‘truth’ is more important than the actual truth.  Our identities are rooted in our feelings.  America is fundamentally racist.  White men are oppressors.  Marriage is a symbol of patriarchy.  A fetus is just a clump of cells.    

Biden 2020.


War on Conservatives


The Great Deception