Destabilizing America

Karl Marx wrote what is now called “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848.  Now widely accepted as one of the most influential political documents ever written, he asserted that capitalism was the root of all evil and called for revolution in order to implement socialism and therefore, ‘equality.’  He laid out the blueprint for how to de-stabilize capitalism and return the power back to the ‘people.’  The actual result of socialism is over 100,000,000 murdered people in the nations that have adopted Marx’ principles with millions more suffering in slave camps.   

We’ve seen that over the course of the 173 years that have passed since Marx released his work, socialism has failed EVERY SINGLE TIME it has been attempted.  We see that socialism is sold as an elixir to the uneducated, poor masses as a romantic ‘struggle for basic human rights.’  The formula that Marx lays out might sound familiar, because the Democrat Party in the USA has been using this as their playbook for the past 110 years.  Today, I will connect several dots and demonstrate the Democrat Party strategy and why is it important to stand up both individually and collectively to destroy this poisonous ideology.  

Destabilize the Currency

In 1913, the Federal Reserve was created by Congress to act as a central bank in the US.  The theory was that centralizing fiscal strategy nationally would bring stability to our currency which would result in steady economic growth.  America was on the gold standard, which meant that there was a link to the paper currency and a physical weight of gold (or silver).  With a gold standard, fiat money like a dollar bill remains stable.  For each dollar that was circulating, there was a dollar worth of gold in the US Treasury to back it up.  The Federal Reserve is not an official government body - it is a banker’s cartel, much along the lines of a drug cartel.  They make their own rules and they are held accountable by no one.  

However, the Federal Reserve almost immediately began leveraging the US dollar in an accounting trick called ‘fractional banking.’  What this means is that quite quickly, when a customer deposited their gold in their bank, the bank had the power to lend out NINE other dollars that are NOT backed by anything.  The banks lend that money out to make their profits…they make their profits on 10 times the amount of money they actually hold in their reserves.  Currently, the US dollar isn’t worth the ink on the paper it is printed on.  

These banks lend money to residential and commercial customers, but they also make money by lending it to foreign governments.  US banks financed BOTH sides of the Russian Revolution which ushered Lenin into power (and therefore communism).   In World War II, the Federal Reserve loaned England, France and Russia tens of billions of dollars, backed up by nothing, except for the United States taxpayer.  In the 1980s when Mexico, Brazil and Argentina (among other Central and South American nations) were defaulting on loans that Federal Reserve backed US banks issued, it was the US taxpayer that paid the bills.  

As I look back in US history, I pinpoint America’s radical shift to the Left going mainstream with the election of a Princeton University chancellor, Woodrow Wilson to be the 28th President of the United States.  Wilson was a committed globalist who openly advocated for one world government.  There is no ability to objectively deny this fact as you can read many of the speeches he gave before and during America plunged into the European Great War (known as WWI) that directly and indirectly stated that one global government was the solution for ending global wars.  Under Wilson, the Federal Reserve became the de facto piggy bank for Congress who wanted to spend more and more money on their pet projects, but knew that raising taxes to fund those projects was a death sentence.  So they got addicted to having the Federal Reserve issue more debt and literally created more money out of nothing.  

It is a known fact that the bankers like the Rothschild’s have funded emperors, dictators and both sides of just about every armed conflict since their empire began in the mid-1800s.  The formula is simple: manufacture money out of thin air in the United States, push it through the US banking system and have them loan it out globally, regardless of whether the loans end up in default….because the US taxpayer is always going to bail the banks out.

In 2008, then again in 2020, the Federal Reserve created new money to bail out US banks again….all by issuing more IOUs (government bonds) that the taxpayer is going to have to pay down the line.  This is the hidden tax we know as ‘inflation.’  Inflation dilutes the purchasing power of the US dollar because the Fed keeps flooding the market with more and more new dollars.  And the bankers make more and more money while the US middle class gets poorer and poorer.  Each time the banks make risky/bad loans and have to take massive hits against their earnings, the media sells us a dour message of a ‘global banking meltdown’ that will result in the loss of tens of millions of jobs if the Federal Reserve doesn’t come in and bail them out.  So, we keep doing it.  Never mind that the earnings of banks in Q2 of 2021 showed TENS of BILLIONS of dollars in pr0fits for these banks in just April, May and June.  Yet we keep bailing them out of their own bad decisions every time the media starts chirping about a ‘meltdown.’  

Today, while the US dollar has remained relatively stable in comparison to other monetary units around the globe, it has also been done so by accumulating an unbelievable amount of federal debt (currently at 28.6 trillion dollars).  At some point, the dam is going to burst.  

God Is Dead.

Add the destruction of God into the mix.  For the past 100+ years, democrats have been in constant pursuit to eliminate God from every corner of American public life.  Make no bones about it, eliminating God and the hope that the message of Jesus Christ is a classic Marxist concept.  Like an abusive spouse/parent that isolates their victim away from their family and friends, Marxism isolates the citizen from God and inserts the State into the void in a person’s heart.  Without God, we tie our identity to how we ‘feel’ and we know that how we feel at any given moment can be random and fleeting.  

Without God, there is little or no meaning in our lives, and we spend so much more time searching for it.  Consider the epidemic of young women (pre-teen to 30 years old) who have no faith in God, but have their anti-depressants within arm’s reach and their therapist on their speed dial.  There is now an epidemic of women coming out as transgender or ‘gender confused.’  Their rates of suicide, anxiety, depression and loneliness has exponentially increased.  

And what would you expect when you’ve been programmed that “God is a fairy tale,” that women are “oppressed” and that gender is a “choice” for their entire lives.  

I saw a clip of an interview with green haired entertainer, Billie Eilish, said  this in a recent podcast interview:  

“The fact that I’m gonna die one day, then everyone around me is gonna die one day and no one will remember me after a certain point, makes me feel so good.  Like I could do the best thing in the world and nobody would remember it, ever, and I’ll die and it won’t matter and everyone else around me will die and it won’t matter.  Or I could do the worst thing in the world and it won’t matter because I’ll die eventually, so you really don’t have to worry that much.”  

Read those words again, but this time out loud.  Listen to the absolute hopelessness the words contain and the message she is spreading to the 88,000,000 social media followers that she has (almost all young girls).  THIS is the message that democrats sell to our young people (Billie Eilish campaigned for Joe Biden in the 2020 election).  This is who our young girls are worshipping, not the good news of Jesus Christ in their lives.  

Christianity is brutally and publicly ridiculed in all areas of the media.  At the same time they conveniently turn their heads away when anti-Semitic Muslims like Rep Ilhan Omar or Rashida Talhib get on camera and attack Israel or America.  They also regularly portray evangelical Christians as backward, redneck hillbillies, with no teeth….and those ‘kinds of people’ are ALWAYS portrayed as racists.  Meanwhile, Muslims around the world can light their wives on fire for walking without a burka on in public and dismiss it as a cultural “honor killing.”  

Manufacture Social Divisions

Another critical component of Marxism is that you need to divide the people into as many different classes of ‘victims’ as possible.  The democrat party has made it a sport to qualify for what I call “The Victim Olympics.”  Consider that the white male is going to be labeled by them as the “oppressor” for just about every ill in this nation.  White women are “guilty by skin color,” but have managed to ‘get woke’ and classify themselves as being “oppressed” by white men.  They try to distance themselves from white men by dying their hair purple, defacing their bodies with tattoos, piercings and ear stretchers in order to separate themselves our as “oppressed” by some fantom, perceived wrongs.  These white women shriek about the long-since disproven “Gender Pay Gap” or point to manufactured crime data suggesting that 1 in 4 women have been sexually victimized by a man. 

Marxists have created more victim groups like Black Lives Matter, who claim that America is “systemically racist” and that white people need to pay reparations for the stain of slavery, which ended with 600,000 white people dead in the conclusion of the Civil War that ended 151 years ago.  Make no note of the fact that only 3% of Americans were slave owners prior to that and not a single black America today knows a slave or anyone who has EVER been a slave directly.  The Marxist founders of BLM demand ‘social justice’ and ‘reparations’ publicly while collecting billions from ‘woke’ US corporate donors so they can purchase millions of dollars in expensive private homes for themselves.  

Marxists have overtaken the gay community.  If anyone has been paying attention, gay people now have about 15 different letters in the LGBTQ+++ group now because it isn’t even good enough to just be gay.  There is so much acceptance of the gay lifestyle today nationally that they had to invent new groups of ‘oppressed victims’ in order to appeal to a wider variety of malcontent.  Today, you can just about identify as anything under the sun and the democrat party will manufacture a new victim class for you and treat it as if there are tens of millions of others in this new group that need the protection from their oppressors.

Import the Next Wave of Victims

The southern border of the United States has been intentionally and purposefully left wide open to illegal aliens for the past 50 years.  The GOP and the local Chamber’s of Commerce have welcomed people to come to America illegally because they want the cheap labor that comes with someone who is undocumented and trying to work in this country.  

But the Democrat Party (aka Marxists) have taken illegal entry into the United States to an artform.  Today, there are an estimated 25,000,000 illegal aliens in the United States.  That equates to about 7.5% of the entire us population.  In the first 7 months of 2021, there have been an estimated 1,000,000 illegal aliens that have come to America (170,000 in the month of March alone).  I want you to think about that for just a minute.  What we are witnessing is not a ‘humanitarian crisis,’ but an intentional invasion of not just Mexicans, but people from over 90 different nations illegally coming to and entering our sovereign nation.  

The Democrat Party has encouraged and funded Catholic charities to meet these illegal aliens and help process and ship them and their families to every state in the union after their illegal entry.  These people aren’t suffering in jails indefinitely nor are they suffering terrible conditions.  They are getting free airline tickets to New Jersey, Dallas, Kansas City and just about everywhere else imaginable.  They are being fed, given education, housing, cell phones and health services as a reward for illegally entering the United States.  

In 2012, Barack Obama wrote the DACA executive order which protected approximately 2 million illegal alien children and young people from the threat of deportation because their parents brought them here illegally.  These ‘Dreamers’ are now fully able to move around the country, even getting free university education as reward for their parents illegally entering through our southern border.  This is equivalent to granting the entire state of Nebraska amnesty as a reward for breaking the immigration laws of a sovereign nation.  

But this is what the Democrat Party requires.  They need a ‘permanent underclass’ of uneducated poor who are government dependent.  The democratic cultural narrative is that the people that are fleeing their homes in search of a better life are lead by the purple haired white women who weep as they see “beautiful brown children and babies, covered in dust and mud as their parents risk their young lives crossing hundreds of miles of dangerous terrain, just to start a new life in America.”  

But the democrat party merely sees future replacement voters that will spend at least one full generation faithfully voting for any candidate that has a (D) next to their name in local, state and federal elections.  

Ronald Reagan, considered to be one of the greatest POTUS ever, made a critical and horrific error by ushering in a sweeping immigration bill that granted amnesty to over 4,000,000 illegal aliens.  The GOP Party supported it because it was pressed by the US Chamber of Commerce who lobbied hard to legitimize those low wage employees.  The result is that the biggest state in the United States by population, California, went from a 50/50 state (democrat v GOP) to providing democrats with a super-majority in the California House or Representatives and the CA Senate.  And they are never going back.  

Indoctrinate the Young People

Karl Marx also taught the concept of infiltrating young minds into the socialist ideology.  The idea was to separate kids from God, divide them into subgroups of victimhood, insert the state as the ultimate purveyor or ‘justice, diversity and inclusion,’ and do it all through the education system.  Democrats overwhelmingly control the education system in America which allows them to manipulate the curriculum to serve their purposes.  

Teachers today are the guided missiles that have sewn the seeds of our national destruction into our children.  Kids are bombarded with ‘wokeness’ in the classrooms.  Education ministers have seen to it that history books are re-written to reflect anti-American sentiments from grade school through grad school.  

There was a saying that college campuses were the place where ideas are fiercely debated and creative thinking blossoms as those young minds are exposed to living on their own for the first time, meeting people from outside their high school or small towns.  But today, there is no such thing as fierce debate on a college campus anymore.  The Woke Mob now controls all speech on a college campus and anyone with a differing opinion from the mob is not welcome.  They will use violence to shut speech down because they claim that ‘words hurt.’  

So much for “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  

College campuses now have ‘safe rooms’ so anyone who is triggered by hearing something someone says can go put themselves in a time-out while they emotionally settle themselves down.  

You can’t make this stuff up – you really can’t. 

Today, we now know that the Teacher’s Unions are advocating and advancing an education curriculum that champions “diversity, equity and inclusion” to begin the process of stamping out “systemic racism.”  They will be teaching our children Critical Race Theory, which is, in a nutshell, re-packaged Marxism.  CCR actually teaches that if you are white, you are guilty of participating and supporting racism because you are white and therefore intrinsically racist.  If you are white, you subconsciously are racist at every level….you just don’t know it.  What a concept.

Combine that with Ibram X. Kendi and his teachings at the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University who advocates for the creation of a federal Department of Antiracism that would be independent of elected branches of government with the power to crush anyone, any law or any speech of anyone they do not designate as sufficiently antiracist.  

I kid you not.  This is going on in the K-12 curriculum and being taught to all our college kids.  

Own the Cultural Narrative

It’s no secret that Donald Trump, 45th POTUS, exposed Hollywood as supportive of the Marxist agenda that the Democrat Party platform is advancing.  Prior to 2015, Hollywood was very subtle in their liberal ideology.  In 1930, the word “damn” was among other curse words that were prohibited in the use of movies, but in 1939, censors allowed one of the most famous one liners in movie history when Clark Gable told Scarlett O’Hara, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”  It was scandalous at the time, but it was just be beginning of Hollywood’s push to make all things permissible. 

Fast forward to the 1908s where Candace Bergen’s feminist her character “Murphy Brown” gave birth at age 42 to a baby outside of marriage.  It was celebrated across the world.  

MTV has a show called “The Real World” (aired from 1992-2017) featuring a new, gay character in virtually every season.

The show “NYPD Blue” (aired from 1993-2005) featured the word “shit” on live, mainstream TV.

The show “Friends” (aired from 1994-2004) featured casual sex and out of wedlock pregnancies.

The show “Will and Grace” (aired from 1998-2020)  brought the gay lifestyle en vogue. 

But it isn’t just Hollywood that has made general debauchery mainstream and ‘cool.’  Music, books, philosophy and even the news media has fully participated in the march to make every sin, curse and perversion completely acceptable.  

Look, I’m no prude and I enjoy lots of shows like “Peaky Blinders” and “Breaking Bad” on Netflix.  They aren’t wholesome, puritanical shows, but my point is that Hollywood and their Marxist masters are glorifying everything that the Bible holds as a sin in God’s eyes.  

Drive the Message by Controlling the Media

I am a vigorous critic of the main stream media.  

Walter Cronkite was an American news anchor on the CBS Evening News from 1962 to 1981.  He was widely referred to as “the most trusted man in news.”  While I was too young to understand what was going on in the world by the time we retired, most accounts of his delivery style are that Cronkite didn’t add his personal opinion into the news….he just told us what was going on.  

I’m still highly skeptical of even ‘the most trusted man in the news,’ because manipulation of the media has been going on since the invention of the newspaper (and probably before that as well).  For example, while President Woodrow Wilson was campaigning on a platform of pacifism (“He Kept Us Out of the War!”), the banking cartel/Federal Reserve and US billionaires were secretly buying up dozens and dozens of local newspapers and installing their own, politically aligned editors to begin shifting Americans away from a pacifist mentality to goad them into entering WWII to help England and France.  

As it turns out, JP Morgan and John D. Rockefeller (among many other European financiers) would have lost a ton of money if England and France surrendered to Germany.  So their answer was to buy a ton of American newspapers and begin publishing explosive, carefully manipulated stories to outrage the public and turn the tide of opinion towards war.  

Today’s media is so brazenly radically Leftist.  I challenge you to name a single, objective news source on main stream TV.  Can’t think of one, can you?  Every story is carefully worded to not just state the facts, but to inject the Marxist/Democrat narrative in, however subtly to appeal to the ignorant and stupid who live their lives according to their emotions.  

But young people don’t watch much in the way of mainstream TV, so democrats and their Marxist pals have infested every single social media platform possible.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google, TikTok……every one of them censors any opinions that don’t fit the Marxist agenda.  You have to remember, our young people have grown up in an education system where they’ve been indoctrinated into the Far Left/Marxist ideology and now the overwhelming majority of our college educated young people get their news from – you guessed it - social media platforms.


Karl Marx wrote “The Communist Manifesto” 173 years ago.  It outlined the gameplan to extinguish capitalism and usher in collectivist ideology and revolution resulting in socialism and communism.  This strategy has worked in post-World War I England and then again in post-World War II France.  But the fancy of communism was dramatically dimmed by an imprisoned Russian army officer, turned author (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn) who wrote the “Gulag Archipelago” in 1974 and resulted in winning a Nobel Prize.  In this three volume, historical trilogy, he exposed the real pain and suffering of living in a nation trapped in the brutal grasp of communism.  He demonstrated that the utopian promises of collectivism were quickly extinguished and curb stomped by the authoritarians that were put in position of power.  

It began with surrendering private property to the state which promptly drove every single enterprise into the ground in a sea of corruption and low productivity.  To a tee, the Marxists destabilized the banking systems, killed God, manufactured divisions between groups of the citizens and highjacked the education system, all forms of entertainment and culture, all the while trumpeting the narrative with a state-run media establishment.  

And this is the explicit, overt and public platform of the 21st Century Democratic National Convention.  This is DNC plan to de-stabilize America and surrender it to socialism.  We are at war from within.  

Abraham Lincoln is often misquoted as saying, “ America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

The actual Lincoln quote is this:  

“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."

It is important for us to take a stand NOW. As for me, I refuse to allow me, my family or my nation to die by suicide. Marxism and the Democrat Party is the party of death and I will spend the rest of my life fighting against both.


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