How to Become a Tyrant (The Democrat Playbook)

Now that I’ve been permanently banned on Facebook (because my Vaccine Hesitancy Score is too high), I've decided to share my thoughts on what I see in the world today through my own personal blog – this one!  This is going to be a long one, so forgive me if I put you to sleep.

There is a 6 episode Netflix series currently available titled, "How to Become a Tyrant" that details how various dictators came to power and what they did to stay there.  The monsters explored in this limited series included:

  • Adolph Hitler

  • Sadaam Hussein

  • Edi Amin

  • Josef Stalin

  • Muammar Gaddafi

  • Kim Jung Il

While the quality of the production itself could have been better, the content was fascinating.  There were a few commonalities that all six of these murderous brutes employed.  I thought it would be a fun little exercise to take those themes and compare them to the modern Democrat Party in America.  The results were astounding to say the least.

Here’s what was in each dictator’s playbook - and coincidentally, a central pillar of the Marxist playbook: 

  1. The dictator takes control of the media.  With all six dictators, messaging was a central focus to keeping the population informed via a complete state controlled media.  All media competitors were either killed or imprisoned.  No dissenting media voice was allowed if there was a media outlet that managed to make waves, it was immediately cancelled.  The only official 'news' came from carefully manipulated propaganda departments that were in perfect alignment with the dictator's agenda.  No dissenting opinion or debate is allowed.

  2. The dictator takes control of the schools.  With all six dictators, school teachers were imprisoned or killed and the remaining staff held to a strict, state-approved curriculum used to indoctrinate children from the get go.  In ALL cases, history books were re-written to reflect what the tyrant’s agenda.  No dissenting opinion or debate is allowed.  

  3. The dictator eliminates freedom of speech.  Anyone speaking about freedom, independence or liberty was viewed as a visceral threat and had to be shot, tortured or imprisoned as a 'traitor' to the nation.  Neighbors were encouraged to inform the authorities about their friends, family and neighbors.  Censorship in all forms was deployed.  

  4. The dictator discourages organized religion.  Central to a tyrant's power is the idea that all hope for a better future depends on the success and promises of the tyrannical regime.  Here, we see the cult of personality on full display with Kim Jong Il and his son as self-declared 'gods.'  Any organized religion to the masses was either completely outlawed or over-taken by the regime to reflect a “state-approved message”.  

  5. The dictator eliminates guns.  That is, unless the guns were in the hands of their military or police thugs that were in their pocket.  A disarmed population is one that can be easily controlled.  With no ability to defend themselves against those with firearms, the people are either easily manipulated or threatened.  

  6. The dictator imprisons hundreds of thousands of people.  A central component to maintaining power for a tyrant is to imprison massive swaths of the population for almost no reason other than intimidation and control.  Josef Stalin, for example, created a gulag system where an estimated 25,000,000 were imprisoned or executed.  In most instances, these were 'political prisoners' who were convicted of various things against the government.  As with all the tyrants, imprisonment, torture, interrogations and executions were routinely used to subvert the population. 

  7. The dictator employs 'word gymnastics' to assert their agenda. Hitler branded his campaign a goal to build the 'Master Race' which, of course, put him in charge of determining who was not worthy of that German purity (6 million Jews were murdered, 20 million Russians, and millions more). Mao created the "Cultural Revolution" in China that left over 100,000,000 dead. Castro spoke of 'The Movement' which romanticized revolution in Cuba that resulted in the murder of tens of thousands, but also the impoverishment of millions. Stalin promoted his version of Marxism which included collective farming - resulting in 20 million dead.

While there are several more commonalities among the tyrants covered in this series, I want you to think carefully about how these items compare to the modern Democrat Party and how for every one of these points, no dissenting opinion or debate is tolerated:

  • Democrats own all areas of the media.  News, social media, music, Hollywood, literature....ALL areas of 'American culture' are overwhelmingly dominated by radical Leftist agenda.  Anyone attempting to challenge the radical Left agenda is immediately censored as 'misinformation'.  

  • Democrats own the education system.  The Teacher's Union has declared that it will teach Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project to our children.  It is estimated that 90% of school teachers align with the democrat agenda.  Our children, from kindergarten through their years in university, are being indoctrinated into Leftist ideology.  No competing thoughts are allowed on a college campus, lest the offender lose their scholarship or be denied entry to the university outright.  Even school textbooks are being re-written to reflect revisionist history and manipulate the foundation of America to fit the Leftist narrative.  

  • Democrats have banned free speech.  The tool they have used for a generation is known as 'political correctness.'  With the rise  of 'hate speech,' democrats shut down debate by labeling a competing idea as 'offensive' or 'non-inclusive' and refuse to allow the person or group that expresses it to speak - ever.  

  • Democrats despise organized religion.  They especially despise conservative evangelicals at every level and in all areas of the media.  Evangelicals are demonized and mocked as 'backward hillbillies' that should be dismissed.  

  • Democrats hate guns.  There are few democrats in the US today that stand firmly for our 2nd Amendment right to own firearms.  They regularly pontificate about 'common sense gun control' each time a democrat goes on a mass-shooting rampage, but always fail to explain why they cannot leverage the current 20,000+ gun laws on the books.  Democrats regularly claim that owners of firearms would never be able to beat a standing army, but they keep coming for our guns anyway.  In all democrat run major metropolitan areas, gun crime is rampant despite the strictest gun control laws, but no one can say that out loud.  

  • Democrats suppress everyone they believe represents a threat to their ideology.  We have seen countless examples of students losing scholarships, adults losing jobs and livelihoods because they said or did something that didn't align with Leftist mob-ideology.  Now, we have a 9/11-style Congressional commission pursuing the January 6th sham where about 500 people walked into the Capitol building, completely unarmed and occupying the building for a couple hours before going home.  Those people now have the full weight of the federal government prosecuting them as if they 'took Congress over' in a coup-de-etat.  Meanwhile, 2020 saw 7 straight months of Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots, burning and looting of our American cities to no avail.  No one is being prosecuted for those crimes because it served the democrat agenda.  The ONLY time Joe Biden came out against the rioting and looting is when it started to hurt him in the presidential polls. Funny how that works out…  

  • Democrats employ 'word gymnastics' everywhere possible to indoctrinate Americans in their ideology.  Let's start with 'climate change,' for example:  in the 1970s, Time Magazine's cover screeched of "The Looming Ice Age" and featured a long article about how the earth is cooling and devolving into a block of ice.  When that didn't happen, they manufactured a new phenomenon called "Global Warming" and gave an Academy Award to Al Gore for predicting how our coastal states would be underwater because of the increasing temperature on earth......and when that didn't happen, the new word du jour became "Climate Change" which is the current boogeyman for Millennials to fret and weep about.  

    Or let's look at the democrat favorite new victim, "migrants."  The actual legal term for someone who illegally crosses our sovereign national border is "illegal alien."  But no!  Democrats employed 'word gymnastics' because they didn't like the assertion that someone is an "illegal alien," so they initially adopted (not in order) the following:  undocumented worker, asylum seeker, undocumented migrant.....and now the media talks of the 'migrants' that are pouring through our southern border. if they just normally walk 1300 miles from their homeland and just happened to end up in Texas or California. 

    In the month of May 2021, over 180,000 'migrants' showed up and stormed our southern border.  They are being provided free housing, medical care, food and access to our nation.  That doesn't sound like people are 'migrating' – let’s just call it what it is, an invasion.  But you cannot say that out loud because they are sending tens of thousands of children across the border and if you call it an invasion, ...the tyrants begin the hiss and screech and employ the things I just outlined above to control the narrative.  

In the end, there is virtually no difference between the democrat party and any of the dictators that were showcased in "How to Become a Tyrant."   The Democratic Party has re-branded Marxism and cloaked it under the banner of Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project and infected every part of our society with it.  They've taken control of our education system, media and cultural institutions and are forcefully indoctrinating our young people in the 'glory' of socialism/communism.  

And don't think it can't happen here in America.  They said the same thing in England 70 years ago and today their nation is in shambles and a shadow of its former self.  Democrats have revived Marxism under the banner of inclusion, equality and political correctness and it is here.  We must fight back lest we lose the nation forever.


The Great Deception


Destabilizing America